Boost Your Immunity This Winter - Naturally

Supercharge your immune system

Our immune systems are constantly under fire, and this year there seems to have been a myriad of ‘bugs’ already causing havoc. The past 3 years has also seen our immune systems be less challenged due to increased social distancing and focus on sanitising. This can result in an immune system less prepared to fight. 

Make sure you give your immune system the best chance this winter by considering the following strategies to naturally enhance your immunity.

Include a probiotic in your diet or fermented foods like kombucha, kefir or sauerkraut

80% of your immune cells are in your gut, so maintaining the healthy bacteria in your gut with these nutrients is vital. Probiotics stimulate immune cells and regulate specific immune functions. We stock a range of Metagenics® probiotics including those recommended for use after illness, as well as options to take regularly to maintain good gut bacteria.

Reduce your sugar intake

Research has shown that high sugar consumption compromises your immune system by inhibiting the white blood cells from doing their normal job of destroying bad bacteria and viruses. Your immune response may be reduced for 5 hours, providing viruses ample opportunity to take hold.

Get some sunshine

A daily dose of sunshine promotes healthy Vitamin D levels, which is an important contributor to immune function. A quality Vitamin D supplement can assist on the wet and stormy days.

Exercise regularly

Moderate, regular exercise has been shown to boost immune function, either by flushing bacteria from the lungs, increasing antibody circulation, raising internal body temperature, and/or reducing stress hormones. There is a limit though, as more intense exercise can increase stress hormones and leave you temporarily more vulnerable to infection.

Get plenty of sleep

Lack of sleep can impact your immune system in several ways, one of which being an increase in the stress hormone cortisol, which inhibits immune function.

Try to reduce the amount of chronic stress in your life

Again, this is related to the increase in cortisol levels, however, stress also depletes the body of several nutrients. Consider meditation, reading or listening to podcasts, or a hobby you enjoy.

Add herbs to meals and eat meals that are rich in spices

Spices like turmeric, ginger, cloves and nutmeg activate immune cells. Eating herbs like coriander, rosemary, basil, mint and thyme all help to boost your immune system and most of them are strong antioxidants.

Boost your trace mineral intake

These include minerals like zinc and selenium. Zinc is well known for shielding us against viral attacks. An easy way to increase these minerals is to switch to natural sea salt.

Try to reduce the amount of chronic stress in your life

Again, this is related to the increase in cortisol levels, however, stress also depletes the body of several nutrients. Consider meditation, reading or listening to podcasts, or a hobby you enjoy.

Did you know?!

Only 10% of nerves measure pain. Therefore a misalignment in your spine (a subluxation) may be causing nerve interference which is not painful, but instead may be affecting the communication between your brain and immune organs. This can affect your immune system’s resilience and ability to fight germs and infection.


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